Making Meme Part 15: Shooting the Film Within the Film

There are two parallel searches happening in Meme, Jennifer’s search for the creator of the surreal “Meme” mashup tape and her boyfriend Tommy’s search for a rare horror VHS: Beneath the Black Moon. The search for Beneath the Black Moon became part of the core of the film after the crowdfunding campaign was unsuccessful. I had dug more into the actual VHS collecting community and decided that while I probably wouldn’t properly reflect that community in the film, I could be much much closer than the original version of the script, which didn’t do a very good job of that. […]

Making Meme Part 0: Where Meme Came From

Where does a film about a woman looking for the creator of a homemade mashup videotape come from? It’s 2018, do people even know what a videotape is anymore? Meme is a mix of inspirations. Much like the academic usage of the term “meme” I took an idea, changed it, and shared it. Probably the first clear inspiration for Meme is David Cronenberg’s Videodrome. I first watched the movie in my teens when my uncle loaned me a few of his DVDs. I watched it late in the evening, alone, and was delighted by how weird it was. It being […]