Making Meme Part 17: Pick Up Shots and Beer Commercials

Shooting a film over a nine month period is exhausting. Even in the long breaks between some shoot day you’re working on the film or working on when you can work on the film. That you have the long breaks between filming is exhausting. It feels like it’s never going to be done. There’s always just one more thing. This was the case with our last two shoot days. Post Production started after the second day of shooting in November 2014. I put together a rough cut of the scenes from the offices. I sent that rough around to cast […]

Making Meme Part 12: Production Days 10 and 11

Days Ten and Eleven were March 14th and 15th of 2015. Unlike most of our weekend shoots so far this weekend we weren’t shooting at just one location. For this weekend we shot at three different locations. It was probably the most stressful weekends of the shoot because we had to shoot some key scenes and had some very frustrating issues with one location in particular. The quote of the day for Day Ten was: “A day without sunshine is like, you know, night. -Steve Martin” Day Ten was shooting Tommy and Jennifer’s bedroom scenes. We’d shot everything in their […]

Making Meme Part 11: Production Days 8 and 9

The quote of the day for Day Eight of production was: “People think you have to know what you want to do with your life by the time you’re 19. Wrong! Or that you have to be in a significant relationship in your twenties. Wrong! It’s all just nonsense. – Tilda Swinton” Day Eight for production was February 7th, 2015. We were again at actress Lauren A. Kennedy’s apartment, with it acting as her character’s apartment. Day Eight sticks out in my mind for two reasons: Director of Photography Peter Westervelt helping nudge me to be a better director and […]

Making Meme Part 9: Production Day 5

The quote of the day for our fifth day of production was: “Above all, be the heroine of your life, not the victim.― Nora Ephron” When you’ve primarily made short films or web videos that only end up being 20 minutes long at the very most you have moments early in the production of a feature where you marvel at how much you’ve done already. You’ve already shot enough of the film that you almost have the whole arc of the story. The end feels so within reach. There’s still a long way to go you remind yourself, but look how […]

Making Meme Part 7: Production Delay

Between the second and third days of production we had a bit of a gap. Day Two was November 22nd 2014 and Day Three was January 17th 2015. We had the gap for a few reasons. First, was the holidays. That always causes havoc with scheduling, but it’s a particular hurdle when doing something on no budget. We took advantage of this gap in shooting to bring some new people on board and get some logistics worked out. During the gap Nicole Solomon joined the production as our Art Director. We needed someone to get our locations looking like what […]

Making Meme Part 1: Crowdfunding

“Making Meme” is a series of blog posts about the long process of taking a project from an idea to a completed feature film. I made a lot of mistakes on the way and learned a lot of lessons, but I also had a lot of fun and got to work with a lot of wonderful people throughout the process. These posts are presented in the hopes of helping others in their struggles to make a film. – Sean Mannion, Writer/Director, Meme Read this series in order from the beginning Meme began in spring 2013 as a desire to take the next […]