Making Meme Part 14: Production Days 14-16

Two months after our last shoot days the end of production was in sight. Due to some short term relocation on the part of our cinematographer, Peter Westervelt, and other factors we had a brief hiatus in filming between March and May of 2015. This gave us time to do a bit of prioritizing and planning for what we estimated to be our last four or five days of shooting. We planned to shoot Memorial Day weekend to knock out a significant portion of what was left. The quote of the day for Day 14 of production was “Opportunity is […]

Making Meme Part 9: Production Day 5

The quote of the day for our fifth day of production was: “Above all, be the heroine of your life, not the victim.― Nora Ephron” When you’ve primarily made short films or web videos that only end up being 20 minutes long at the very most you have moments early in the production of a feature where you marvel at how much you’ve done already. You’ve already shot enough of the film that you almost have the whole arc of the story. The end feels so within reach. There’s still a long way to go you remind yourself, but look how […]