Making Meme Part 19: Remixing the Film

Following the realization that the film just wasn’t working as well as it could when presented as a linear narrative Carolyn and I set forward a plan to rethink the narrative. The story wouldn’t change, but the way it was presented would. This ultimately brought the film closer to the original vision, which I had strayed from over the course of pre-production and production of the film. I wrote every scene on a notecard and identified (and color coded) the plots and subplots they were a part of. This was taking a common screenwriting technique for visualizing story and just […]

Making Meme Part 16: Day 17 and the End of Principal Photography

After our extended break and shooting the film-within-the-film it was time to come back together to get the final scenes of Meme. We decided to return to Nicole Solomon’s apartment, where we’d shot most of Beneath the Black Moon to use it for 3 separate locations. The quote of the day for Day 17 of production was: “There is no real ending. It’s just the place where you stop the story. — Frank Herbert” With turning Nicole Solomon’s apartment into two different characters’ apartments and faking a white cyc studio Day 17 became the final day of principal photography. We […]

Making Meme Part 15: Shooting the Film Within the Film

There are two parallel searches happening in Meme, Jennifer’s search for the creator of the surreal “Meme” mashup tape and her boyfriend Tommy’s search for a rare horror VHS: Beneath the Black Moon. The search for Beneath the Black Moon became part of the core of the film after the crowdfunding campaign was unsuccessful. I had dug more into the actual VHS collecting community and decided that while I probably wouldn’t properly reflect that community in the film, I could be much much closer than the original version of the script, which didn’t do a very good job of that. […]

Making Meme Part 14: Production Days 14-16

Two months after our last shoot days the end of production was in sight. Due to some short term relocation on the part of our cinematographer, Peter Westervelt, and other factors we had a brief hiatus in filming between March and May of 2015. This gave us time to do a bit of prioritizing and planning for what we estimated to be our last four or five days of shooting. We planned to shoot Memorial Day weekend to knock out a significant portion of what was left. The quote of the day for Day 14 of production was “Opportunity is […]

Making Meme Part 12: Production Days 10 and 11

Days Ten and Eleven were March 14th and 15th of 2015. Unlike most of our weekend shoots so far this weekend we weren’t shooting at just one location. For this weekend we shot at three different locations. It was probably the most stressful weekends of the shoot because we had to shoot some key scenes and had some very frustrating issues with one location in particular. The quote of the day for Day Ten was: “A day without sunshine is like, you know, night. -Steve Martin” Day Ten was shooting Tommy and Jennifer’s bedroom scenes. We’d shot everything in their […]

Making Meme Part 11: Production Days 8 and 9

The quote of the day for Day Eight of production was: “People think you have to know what you want to do with your life by the time you’re 19. Wrong! Or that you have to be in a significant relationship in your twenties. Wrong! It’s all just nonsense. – Tilda Swinton” Day Eight for production was February 7th, 2015. We were again at actress Lauren A. Kennedy’s apartment, with it acting as her character’s apartment. Day Eight sticks out in my mind for two reasons: Director of Photography Peter Westervelt helping nudge me to be a better director and […]

Meme Screening in Amherst, NY

Announcing the next stop on the Meme tour: The Screening Room in Amherst, NY The screening is March 29th at 9:30PM at The Screening Room. Tickets will be available at the door for $10. As with the Brooklyn, Annville, and Brunswick screenings, the film will be made available to stream to those who buy tickets to the screening. Details for that offer are available on the Tour page. Director Sean Mannion will be attending the screening to meet the audience and discuss the film after. For more updates on upcoming screenings please check out the Tour page, which we will […]